Shell Ridge Community Church is entering a time of pastoral transition. As we pray and discern our future direction, we will be led in worship by several distinguished pastors and our worship team. We continue to hold our regular 10:45 am Sunday worship service in person and online. Our Tuesday afternoon chat and Bible Study will continue on Zoom. The visualization team continues to work to bring forward practical steps to honor our dreams of revitalization. Our weekly updates will provide information about new and continuing program opportunities at church and in our local community.
Office Manager Sean McLaren is in the SRCC office, Tuesday through Friday (8-12), and can be reached by phone at (925) 935-3250 or by email [email protected]. He can answer questions or schedule phone appointments with our pastoral care team and/or our moderator, Rev. Nancy Smith.
Office Manager Sean McLaren is in the SRCC office, Tuesday through Friday (8-12), and can be reached by phone at (925) 935-3250 or by email [email protected]. He can answer questions or schedule phone appointments with our pastoral care team and/or our moderator, Rev. Nancy Smith.